Wednesday, March 3, 2010

Children's Chapel Mural Carpet--done!

I can hardly describe how pleased I am to have this carpet finally done (and paid for at that)! Thanks to the Baker Fund people for giving us most of the money to do this. The new carpet is composed of carpet "tiles" by InterfaceFLOR. They are made here right here in Canada with 100% Recycled content. They stick to the floor with an adhesive and can be removed if damaged/stained and replaced. The design is basically a field of green with a few purple-ish tiles thrown around semi-randomly to create a little visual interest and dynamism. The colours are designed to compliment the murals, of course!

My experience with these carpet tiles is good so far. Installation was far easier than I expected. It only took one full day for one guy to remove the old carpet, patch the floor, put down the adhesive, and then put the new tiles in place. Sweet.

The next project in that room is a little bit of painting of some trim, just just to freshen it up. As for downstairs.... That's a different story! We need new chairs, new carpet in the lounge, new furniture in the lounge, and a paint job for the whole place. If someone would like to give us a few thousand dollars to make that happen, I'd be pleased to accept! Otherwise, it's probably going to take a few years.

You see, right now the budget priority is mainly around funding mission, and the building, alas, only does that in a secondary way. We'd rather have staff (Kerrie and Eric) than pretty new chairs!

Still... it was and is important to me that we have some bricks-and-mortar renewal around here, too! Hence the mural!


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