Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Anglican Church of Canada Calendar

Ok, those of you who use some kind of electronic calendar on your Blackberry or iPhone or with iCal (on a mac) or Outlook (on a PC) know about how you can "subscribe" to various calendars. For example, when I look at my calendar application either on my PC or on my smart phone I see not only my personal appointments and events, but I also see the church's events and services. Simple. My personal calendar is protected, naturally, but the church's calendar of services is publicly available. People can view it on-line or subscribe to it using their favourite calendar programme (like Outlook or iCal or whatever they have on their phone or PDA).

But there doesn't seem to be a public electronic calendar for the Anglican Church of Canada. You can subscribe to various Roman Catholic and Episcopal Calendars, but none for Anglicans of Canada! So.... I went ahead and created one for the next year based on McClauslands' Ordo. Right now it's just Sundays and Principal Feasts, but I'll make one for Holy Days and Memorials and Commemorations at some point in the future. In the mean time, you're welcome! Here's a preview and the link:

So now all you Anglicans can see the liturgical calendar superimposed on whatever electronic appointment calendar you use. The rest of you can print out blank calendars with this information if that your desire (see the little print icon?).




Felicity Pickup said...

Neat-o! Like it. It works perfectly with my email/calendar thing on my office network.

Tay Moss said...

Excellent. The next step is for me to make one for Holy Days, Memorials, and Commemorations. That one is quite a bit trickier, however, since there is a lot more variation for local usage when it comes to transferring feasts. Wheels within wheels: the calendar is a great metaphor for the medieval mindset.

The Rev. Dawn Leger, BA, MDiv said...


Tay Moss said...

You're welcome!

Jesse Dymond said...

Tay, I've been using Google Calendar for a few years for the lections... but with the readings attached in the details of each event. That way, upcoming passages are always accessible when or a lay reader don't have a worship schedule on hand. Do you plan to add the readings?

Anonymous said...

I was looking for this and considering making one myself - thank you!! I look forward to the one for holy days (etc) as well.

Tay Moss said...

Great idea, Jesse, but is that calendar publicly available? That is, it is shared?

Jesse Dymond said...

it was, but I haven't updated it for this year's readings. instead, I was using a Lutheran calendar this year.

the trouble is, the episcopal and lutheran churches, as well as the c of e offer their payer books online. for us, copyright is owned by abc, and distributing the resources electronically without permission is technically illegal (despite the fact that one can find the bas in pdf form online).

the last I had sought permission up use sections of the book in a gpl/gnu licensed piece of software, I was not granted permission.

Tay Moss said...

I think the fact that the National Church allows ABC to own the copyright in such a tight-fisted and merchantile way is shameful. Really. I mean it. It works against innovation and mission, not to mention that it is non-biblical (cf. Acts 2:44). Now that ABC has been sold to Augsburg Fortress, I frankly doubt the situation will improve. Nothing against AF, it's just that they are a for-profit company that now owns one of the most important intellectual properties in Canadian Christendom!

But that would only be a problem if the calendar publishes the actual text from the BAS or a copyrighted Bible such as the NRSV. One way around that would be to include a link to the biblical text online (say, at Oremus Bible Browser) rather than the actual text itself.


Michelle said...

Thanks! exactly what I was looking for.