Saturday, March 24, 2007


Wednesday I went off for an overnight Momentum retreat. "Momentum" is the formation program for newly ordained clergy in the Diocese of Toronto. This overnight took place at the Convent of the Sisterhood of St John the Divine. It's a lovely place with a nice spiritual atmosphere about it.

These events with my my momentum buddies are the most spiritually and professional fulfilling of my life, these days. There is something enormously satisfying about being with each other and discussing our challenges and celebrations. I'm a year or two ahead of most of the people in this program in terms of priestly development, but the fellowship is far more important to most of us than the didactic content, anyway.

One of the issues that I got to explore in some depth with my collegues is whether I should stay at SMM or take another church. Talking it over with them, it became clear again that I really need to do some careful discernment about this issue.

I went to bed Wed night feeling fine, but was feeling quite ill in the morning. I ended up sleeping in that morning and missing the morning sessions (mosly on-your-own prep for a 5 minute homily exercise in the PM, anyway). But I preached anyway when it was turn and did just fine. To bed early that night back at my own place. In bed much of Friday and into Saturday. I went in for a few hours today to teach my Confirmation class and make sure I was all set for tomorrow. Luckily I'm not preaching tomorrow, just Celebrating two masses and taking care of some other random stuff!

My wife wants to go on a run to Grand & Toy. So I'll have to write more later!

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