Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Tuesdays for Vision

As usual for Tuesdays I was returning calls and planning liturgies. Then we had our regular staff meeting. The day is ending with a very good Fundraising Meeting that was productive and useful.

One thing that came out of that meeting was the importance of developing Case For Ministry. Basically, I need to articulate, in writing, a vision for the future of this church. I've been working on this in my head and with the congregation for the last year with a variety of different strategies, so it makes sense to finally put in writing and be a bit more formal. I've learned a lot in the last year about the emerging sense of what COTM can be. I don't think it's over-stating things to say that I even some inkling of God's intention for this church. So I'll write some stuff down this week and then get some feedback from people.

Yesterday I started another woodworking project. I'm building a frame to hold firewood. I managed to almost finish the project but then I lost the sunlight and had to stop (working with power tools in the dark is tough even for a Ninja Priest). But if I hurry home now I ought to just manage to finish screwing the frame together....


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