Friday, December 12, 2008

Blagojevich's Desperation

Check out this line from a NYTimes article about Governor Blagojevich's impending removal from office on corruption charges:

"Before heading to his office on Friday, Mr. Blagojevich met and prayed with several ministers, according to The Associated Press, telling them he had done nothing illegal." (source)

How awkward must that have been? "Hello, Rev'd Tay? I'm calling on behalf of (cough) Governor Blagojevich. He would like to meet with you so that you car pray for him. And would it okay if the press watched? He also wants to assure you that despite what you heard on the tapes of the wire taps, he has done nothing illegal..."



G said...

It would indeed be incredibly awkward if someone addressed you as "Rev. Tay." Then again, I think I'd rather not know what consenting adult clergy and parishioners do in other parishes...

movabletype said...

Yeah, but what an opportunity - you could show up and start with a drastic and penitential psalm, and proceed to discuss every wicked king in the Old and New Testaments.

It could be kind of fun, in a balls-to-the-wall kind of way, but only if you took control from the first moment and kept it.