Tuesday, May 8, 2007

General Synod '07

Every other year the priests of the Diocese of Toronto along with elected lay representatives from every parish gather with the bishops in "Synod." This is where a lot of decisions about the strategic course of the Diocese are made. For instance, this year there was much discussion around changes to the diocesan bureaucracy to make it leaner and more responsive. But this is also a chance to touch base with the other 284 congregations in the Diocese and discuss mutual concerns and share resources. The networking and comradery are wonderful. Of course, I'm an extrovert so this stuff feeds me. Check out the Photo albums created by Michael Hudson (Diocesan Photographer).

The Synod was held at Durham College. It was a "Residential" Synod--meaning that most people stayed over two nights. There was some nice drinking to be done both nights, let me tell you! but there was also some great worship and real moments of inspiration.

I remember at one moment watching Bishop Johnson and thinking, "Yes, I can follow this man." Nice to have that feeling about one's leader.

I made progress on my job search. Lots of information to think about and some excellent leads. At this point I must be patient and wait for the situation to unfold on its own.

In the mean time, I have the U2charist at the Cathedral to prepare for. There is also the trip Betsy and I are taking next week. We are going to Mobile for my best friend Francis' wedding. So it goes.

This is also a crazy time for Betsy, my wife, who is taking her Ph.D. comps even as I write this. She is happy with how she has done so far, so I'm sure her success will continue...


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