Saturday, September 29, 2007

If a Tree Falls on the Rectory and No One is There to Hear It....

Betsy and I stopped by the old Rectory today. I thought I had the key on my key ring but had forgotten it, so we got no farther than a walk around the property. Good thing we took that walk, too, since we discovered a downed tree limb in the back yard that is pinning the cable and telephone lines. Not a pretty picture--so I asked the Parish Administrator to call the tree people we use on Monday to see when they can come out and take care of the tree limb. We still have to do another run through of the Rectory to make a list of needed repairs.

Today our friend Anna moved into the house. She has been looking for a place to stay for a few months and we were happy to offer her our spare bedroom. It seems to us that part of the obligation of being blessed with a house like this is using it to offer hospitality, so we are glad to be in a position to help out our friend. She seems to be settling in without difficulty, and we are glad to have the company.

I did manage to get the grant application I've been talking about in on time. I should hear in a few weeks if it passed the first round. If it does, then there is a ton more work to do. The fuller-application will require a substantial amount of work to process, plus a motion of Vestry (i.e. an assembly of the whole parish). But this idea of a Centre for Children's Faith Formation has a lot of potential at a place like COTM. In the back of my mind is the Children’s Mission of St. Paul & St. James Church in New Haven CT. That program was founded by Gretchen Wolff Pritchard, mother of one of my seminary class mates. (She actually has another daughter that I went out with on a memorable date, but that's another story.) The mission there has been incredibly successful, and I think we can do something similar. We'll see!

Tomorrow is a relatively light day for me. Megan is on to preach--I'm just Presiding and doing my priesty thing....


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