Thursday, September 6, 2007


I'm here, at Church of the Messiah. Got my computer working and some of my books unpacked. Today was a day for unpacking and for making decisions about things coming up this weekend that simply must be decided. For the moment I'm taking the advice of my wiser friends (such as Mary Gates) and making few changes at COTM. This first Sunday or two is a chance for people to meet me and for me to begin to get to know them. No need to scare them utterly this first few weeks!

My "Induction" Service has been scheduled for Sunday, 23 September, at 7 P.M. This is the occasion for Bishop Patrick Yu to welcome me to the parish and for everyone to celebrate the beginning of a new ministry. It fits alongside my "Welcome Sunday" this weekend and the "Institution" service held in the Diocesan Chapel last week and my farewell service at SMM on the 14th of September. I don't anyone can say there hasn't been sufficient liturgy to mark the beginning of my term here!

So far--so good. The Parish Administrator and Megan and Matthew have all been very gracious to me. It feels great to be here. My wings feel less cramped already!


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