Sunday, July 15, 2007

Sunday Recap

Bede just wrote a great blog entry about beauty. Creation of beauty (or perhaps it's co-creation?) has been an important task of religious folks all over the world for a very long time. Creation is a spiritual activity. We are quite used to certain kinds of creativity in church. Traditional church music, for example. But it's too bad that most churches aren't brave enough to journey with the artists that are stretching the creative envelope. I'm not totally sure why that is, but I suspect it has to do with the insider-outsider problem: we want insider art inside our churches. There are exceptions, of course. Note The Episcopal Church and Visual Arts project.

Part of my vision for a 21st century pastorate is the cultivation of my own creative abilities. Not just learning to sing "priest-chant" or collaborating in conventional church art forms like vesture and architecture--I want to push the envelope a bit. That's why my video project is important--we need to proclaim the Gospel in new tongues. Watch Father Matthew Presents to get an idea of where I'm heading...

Speaking of singing, I got some nice compliments on my singing at the 11 o'clock Mass today. Yeah!

Betsy returns in one week. I can hardly wait...


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