Sunday, June 22, 2008

Sermon - Pentecost 6 2008 (Kerrie's First!)

This Sunday was our monthly family service--which means that the kids stay the whole time with the assembly, and that there are some liturgical choices made to engage them. Usually the sermon is designed with the kids in mind.

Since we have a new Director of Children's and Youth Ministry--Kerrie Fulton--I thought this would be a good chance to give her a shot at preaching. It was her first time, so I basically just threw her into the pool--but really, is there any other way to learn?

She decided that since the kids were doing a special musical anthem after communion, she would show she is teaching the kids to use their bibles to find answers to questions like, "why do we sing?"

Very nice for a first attempt! I love her fearlessness, many people would have looked at me like I was nuts if I asked them to preach!

Here's a direct link to the MP3 file...


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