Monday, February 9, 2009

Annual Report: DONE!

I wrote my Annual Vestry Report today. It's part of the yearly report on the state of the parish that we Anglicans and Episcopalians (and, I imagine, most other denominations) are required to do. It includes lots of statistical and financial information and reports from various committees and staff members.

My report last year was relatively short (page a half), but I had only been here a few months. This year's report is about four pages long! And that was after I decided not to write about a number of things! The point of the report, after all, is to highlight the important stuff, not dump my brain of all the different aspects of COTM and what I think of them!

Next I'm going to head off to the gym and work out for a while. No excuses! I suppose this evening I'll continue to punish myself by eating only vegetables!


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