Monday, February 16, 2009

Heroic Dreams

For some reason, I tend to have heroic dreams from to time. Last night I had a dream that Betsy and I had a daughter and were living in a house in the country somewhere. One night our daughter was being oppressed by some kind of demon. I went to rescue her but the door was blocked. As hard as I pushed, the demon pushed right back on the door.

So I went down the basement and got an axe. Standing by the door again I blessed the axe and then took a hard swing at the bedroom door. It shattered immediately and rushed in to my daughter. I could feel the presence of the demon, but it was invisible. As I held my daughter, Caroline (?), our cat Denise rushed in. She could see it and started hissing at it. The demon apparently was afraid of my cat and so Denise was chasing it around the room and hissing with her ears back. Pretty soon the invisible demon was backed up into a corner of the closet. Meanwhile I'm tossing blessings and prayers like crazy. It disappeared and then the dream changed...

Interesting that in the dream I had both had a daughter and that I even had a name for her! Also interesting that my cat defended us like a real champ!


1 comment:

Meg Guegan said...

Like I said, Mom is convinced she's getting 3 new grandkids this year. Seb and I are doing our part, you need to get busy!