Wednesday, November 28, 2007

Automatic Confessional

Here is an amusing clip I found on another blog. Makes me miss the days at SMM when I would hear confessions in the church.



G said...

Evangelical Lutheran Worship has a neat rite for "Corporate Confession and Forgiveness" where everyone has an opportunity to come to the altar rail (or whatever) for absolution. I think it would be a brilliant and efficient way to get everyone shriven on Saturday afternoon, especially in parishes less than receptive to the sacrament of reconciliation.

Tay Moss said...

I just looked that up in the Lutheran BOW (Book of Worship)--that's a very nice rite. At some churches (esp. with multiple clergy) people come to some designated place (perhaps a side chapel) to receive laying on of hands for healing during Communion. This works especially well in large congregations where it takes a while to distribute the sacrament. I wonder what it would be like to add absolution to the sacraments available for reception in the side chapel.... -t