Sunday, May 11, 2008

Happy Mother's Day

Sorry for the lack of posts--I've had a lot on my plate in the last few days. Generally, I get chances to write blog entries while sitting at my desk, but the last few days have seen me away from that grand place. I've been out and about at meetings and seeing people and so forth.

Happy Mother's Day to all. Did you call your mother, yet?

It's also Pentecost, of course, and we celebrated at COTM with extra-special music and other bits of fanciness. I was pleased with how the service went and with various other details of parish life that seem to be falling into place. For instance, I seem to be finally getting a handle on some of the volunteerism problems--but it's too soon to declare victory. Basically, I decided to delegate the role of recruiting people to particular roles on particular days. Putting a sign up sheet in the back of the church just doesn't work with this bunch--they really prefer it when someone simply asks them, "Can you do the coffee on such-and-such a day."

My sermon was okay--but better when I composed it than live. Often it's the opposite.

Rainy here. That's good for the grass.


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