Wednesday, October 1, 2008

Anglican Article Published

That article I wrote for the Anglican just got published:

I got a full color page, at that! I'm very pleased with the results. Many thanks to the Editor (you know who you are!) Life is good.

I learned so much in Turkey that I could have easily written an article twice as long. In the end I simply didn't have the space to talk much about the non-Anglican Christians in Istanbul and some of the neat things they are up to. Just as well, as I was a bit nervous about saying too much about these communities that try to stay under the radar. The Anglicans (as well as a few other groups) have a more "official" status that affords some protection.

Anyway, I'm very pleased about this. Funny how my two sisters and myself all have been writers to one degree or another. And at one time my mother was told by one of my teachers, patronizingly, that she should read to me more!



Felicity Pickup said...

Thx for link to article!

You (and, as you say, your editor) seem to have picked your way thru the minefields of language and visual imagery very well. Also a nice job in the tactful description of the ex-pat anglicans at odds with their bishop (how typically Anglican) and the involvement of the UK establishment and the legal system.

Tay Moss said...

There is a long and intricate story about the long-standing tensions between Christ Church, Istanbul, the Anglican Turkish-language chaplaincy, and the Bishop. I've spoken personally to two of the three key players as well as a neutral observer in the city who is a friend of both. There are some articles on the web you can find some parts of that story, but in general I didn't think it would really further anyone's interests (let alone the Holy Spirit's) to put that mess on the table.

Thanks for the compliment about the writing, I was pleased with how it turned out.

Meg Guegan said...

Very nice... want to freelance write an article on Beretta firearms as a religious experience?

- Sis

Tay Moss said...

Thanks, meg.

Lol, it's been a while since I shot a Beretta. Do I get a trip to Italy in the deal?
