Thursday, October 23, 2008

Under the Weather

Yesterday after Celebrating the Contemplative Eucharist I felt like something that Denise might cough-up, so I went home and took a nap. I had a Deanery Meeting at lunch time and thought I'd get up that, but when the time came my body had other ideas and I kept sleeping until shortly before Betsy came home. Whatever it is seems to like living in my Respiratory Track: a nagging cough and sore throat are part of it. I got up for dinner, watched some TV, then back to bed. Slept fitfully. Strange dreams (including one that took me back to our old house in Kansas!).

Got up this morning feeling only somewhat better--but I had an important morning meeting and another at noon to attend. Right now I'm feeling achey and tired, but my Administrator brought me various herbal teas that seem to be offering some (perhaps temporary) relief.

So it goes.



Felicity Pickup said...

As described recently in Bede's Blog?

Tay Moss said...

Yep--appears that way -t