Friday, October 10, 2008

"Stay Frosty"

Stay Frosty
A valediction which has come to mean "be cool," but which more properly understood is an admonishment to stay alert and on one's toes. See the quote below for the pop culture origin:

"Hey! I know we're all in strung out shape but stay frosty and alert. We can't afford to let one of those bastards in here."
-Corporal Hicks (Michael Biehn), in Aliens (1986) (source)

I'm pleased with how much I got done this week. I managed to tend to a lot of different projects as diverse as fund raising, pastoral care, construction, cleaning out my office closet, liturgical planning, editing, and a few other things. So naturally I'm kind of tired heading into the weekend, but tomorrow afternoon I'm doing pre-baptism counseling as well as getting my sermon together. Between thanksgiving and the parish's first immersion baptism I've got plenty to preach about!

As exciting as Sunday will be, I'm also deeply looking forward to sleeping in on Monday. Mondays are a good day.


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