Those were taken with a wide-angle lens, so the actual walls look even bigger in person. My initial idea is to have a kingdom of heaven scene on one end (where the doors are) and the kingdom of God on earth on the other wall (where the window is). Susy and then spent time looking at various pieces of visual Christian art that have inspired me through the years. I showed her the vestments that my mother commissioned for my ordinations. I also showed her my copy of the St. John's Bible Gospels. I showed her pictures of the interior of St. Greg's. We talked about the Sistine Chapel and all kinds of cool stuff. She is excited by the possibility of doing something absolutely thrilling....
The price? Depends--she has come up some estimates that will vary according to the complexity of the design (i.e. how long it takes her and her partner to complete). But is probably around $5,000 per wall--so $10k for the whole project. That's actually pretty reasonably IMHO--it's still less than half the price of the piano we are about to buy. I'm also aware of some grants that I can write for that may help.
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