Wednesday, October 31, 2007


Here's an image called "Synchronicity" from the ECVA (Episcopal Church and the Visual Arts) website.

Today is a day for planning and development. It started off with a very pleasant and meaningful contemplative Eucharist. Then I met with Megan to plan our preaching for the last three Sundays before Advent. We are going to take those three Sundays to preach towards the new arrangement of the space I have planned for Advent. Beyond just shifting chairs around, I'm also looking to dress the church in a meaningful way. There was a tradition of decorating the church for Christmas in the middle of December in a very particular way--I'm looking to revolutionize how that process works. Basically, I'm going to make it more liturgical and less decorative.

In a little while I'm having a meeting with an artist named Susy Bleasby that specializes in murals for children. She has done a ton of work at Sick Kids Hospital here in Toronto. She's also a good Anglican and I'm looking forward to showing her our Sunday School room and to hear if this an opportunity that interests her. I absolutely love talking to artists and craftspersons about potential church commissions--it really gets my creative juices flowing--hence my wandering around the ECVA website.

I also put up a big white board in my office. I'm a visual guy and I like being able to sketch out ideas. New bookcases are arriving tomorrow--then I can finally unpack the rest of my books and settle my office. It's going to look great!


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