Saturday, October 27, 2007

Prep for Tomorrow

Today I picked up some sample chairs from St. Augustine's. I'll give an announcement at the beginning of church time, tomorrow, to describe their purpose. I'm curious to see people's reactions to them, though they seem pretty uncontroversial to me. Our old chairs (from 1977) are falling apart. These new chairs are very nice and within our budget...

Jeremy Eliot, from Paul Hahn Pianos, came by with a baby grand on loan. They have a couple of nice pianos currently under restoration that we may like--but in the mean time we'll happily store this one for them. I'll post some pictures when I get a chance. I can already tell that it is much mellower and richer than Yamaha we borrowed before.

Right now I want to practice my singing for tomorrow (with the new piano) but there is a dance class using the church right now. So I think I'll go home and have supper with Betsy, instead.


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