Sunday, January 18, 2009

Article in the Daily Episcopalian

The Daily Episcopalian, one of the blogs on the Episcopal Café website, is running an article I wrote. Regular readers will remember our roof disaster on Christmas Eve here at the church. It was a big deal to be asked to write for this blog--they get about 4,000 visits (12,000 page views) per day! This personal blog gets only a fraction of that--so I feel pretty honoured.

Once upon a time my grade school teachers didn't think I would amount to much when it came to writing. My mother was even accused once of not reading enough to me as a kid! Her counter-claim to their criticism was that they weren't sufficiently challenging me. I think history has proven her right--all three of her kids do a substantial amount of writing in their careers. One of my sisters was a senior magazine editor until she recently decided to go back to school for another degree. My other sister is the Director of Communications for a major American non-profit. Odd how we all ended up doing stuff that involves words!

Anyway, I'm really enjoying having the chance to write for the Episcopal Café and for The Anglican. It's a very different set of muscles than sermon writing.


1 comment:

Revmrm said...

Up on the roof, shoveling slush-- I am impressed and heartened by your willingness to get your hands and back into your job as well as your brain and heart.
