Bob, my bro-in-law, points out this fascinating article about using the humble pretzel as a traditional symbol of Lent:
The pretzel has a deep spiritual meaning for Lent. In fact, it was the ancient Christian Lenten bread as far back as the fourth century. In the old Roman Empire, the faithful kept a very strict fast all through Lent: no milk, no butter, no cheese, no eggs, no cream and no meat. They made small breads of water, flour and salt, to remind themselves that Lent was a time of prayer. They shaped these breads in the form of crossed arms for in those days they crossed their arms over the breast while praying. Therefore they called the breads "little arms" (bracellae). From this Latin word, the Germanic people later coined the term "pretzel."
Thus the pretzel is the most appropriate food symbol in Lent. It still shows the form of arms crossed in prayer, reminding us that Lent is a time of prayer. It consists only of water and flour, thus proclaiming Lent as a time of fasting. The earliest picture and description of a pretzel (from the fifth century) may be found in the manuscript-codex No. 3867, Vatican Library. (source)
The article even includes a "Ceremony of the Pretzel" to use in Lent:
The Ceremony of the Pretzel
1. On Ash Wednesday, father or mother may explain the origin of the holy pretzel, so that the children will understand its significance.
2. The pretzel might be served on each plate for each evening meal until Easter.
3. Added to the grace before meals, is the "pretzel prayer."
We beg you, O Lord, to bless these breads which are to remind us that Lent is a sacred season of penance and prayer. For this very reason, the early Christian started the custom of making these breads in the form of arms crossed in prayer. Thus they kept the holy purpose of Lent alive in their hearts from day to day, and increased in their souls the love of Christ, even unto death, if necessary.
Grant us, we pray, that we too, may be reminded by the daily sight of these pretzels to observe the holy season of Lent with true devotion and great spiritual fruit. We ask this through Christ our Lord. Amen.
I'm touch by this--but I also think it would be excellent fodder for a Monty Python skit.
Presumably covering them in cinnamon and brown sugar negates the Lenten discipline?
That would right! Unless you have an allergy to cinnamon...
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