Met with a nice couple that I'm marrying at COTM in my first week there. It will be my first wedding in Canada, which will be fun. In Ontario you have to be licensed to perform weddings, so I dug my paperwork out and confirmed that I am, indeed, legal. Marriage is one of those cases where the separation of church and state breaks down a bit. For precisely that reason I've heard theologians argue that we should give up doing "legal" marriages and instead only offer "sacramental" marriage. This is what they do in France, for example, where you get married in a clerks office officially and then in a church (if you wish) to receive God's part of the deal. Yet, still, I find it satisfying and appropriate that the church wedding "count" for something in the eyes of the civil authority. Anyway, this couple and I hashed through various details for the upcoming ceremony. Sounds like it will be very nice.
Electricians are repairing the "Corona" lights in the chancel. They had to put up this scaffolding to accomplish the task.

Now, A Ninja Priest like myself looks at something like that and says, "I should really climb that." The excuse is to take some pictures of stuff that doesn't normally get photographed.

get this shot?
I love my job.
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