Here's a picture of the recent Corpus Christi Procession at SMM. Picture by Michael Hudson (yes, we bought permission). Call it Anglo-Catholicism does evangelism...

Just for fun, here's another pic from the same liturgy (also by Michael)...

I had a long conversation today about the Theodicy problem: why does a good God let bad things happen. I think ultimately much of the answer is to simply say that the potentiality for evil/badness is a necessary feature of a world where real choice is possible. It's not a totally satisfying answer, but it works for me for me today. Whenever I'm asked that I'm often tempted to explore the nature of the question itself, which seems at least as theologically problematic as any answer might be. Today as I was thinking about it I realized that I should ask my old professor and seminary mentor Rev'd Marilyn Adams about it. Now she's a ninja-priest if I ever met one! She was at Yale when I was there; now she's got the Regius Chair at Oxford. Truly one of the smartest priests I've ever met.
We have an offer out on our next "Rectory"--I really hope they accept. It would be nice to have that piece settled. And did I mention that the place comes with a HUGE HDTV?
COTM (Church of the Messiah) liturgy decisions are already coming up. That likely means fitting in another meeting between now and the end of the month to plan my arrival liturgy. Needs to be something colorful. I mentioned St. Gregory of Nyssa's Church to Megan and she immediately said something like, "I like umbrellas!" I doubt I'll be able to introduce those in my first week, but it's nice to have liturgical fantasies.
Okay, I'm salivating for a Eucharistic procession in my parish. It sucks that I have to bear up with Low Churchers.
Yeah, it's a pretty special experience. The best is the children spewing petals on the path just in front of the sacred ministers. I once attended a Benediction with the Blessed Sacrament on top of the Great Pyramid of Cholula in Mexico. Imagine looking across the great vista for miles in all directions bearing the golden monstrance!
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