Tuesday, July 15, 2008


I just talked with Betsy on the phone--she's working hard on her Greek. She misses me--I understand how she feels. Funny how a person becomes such a part of your life that you actually ache when they are missing for prolonged periods.

A stressful day. The housing search is nearly overwhelming. It's just too much data to crunch to make a decision. So I simplified the problem by creating a spreadsheet to make it easier to compare comparables. For instance, I one column is the miles of driving distance to get to church. This doesn't take into account things like distance to a the public transit, but it does give a sense of "closeness." And I simply have a 1-10 score to the kitchen rather than try to factor out all the pieces that go into a kitchen that pleases me, etc.

After all this I identified some more properties I want to visit--but I'm far from being sold on any of them, yet. I think I know what Betsy and I will be doing with the rest of my vacation when we get back from Istanbul!


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