Today was a good church day. The whole service had a nice feeling about it, and someone commented afterwards that the whole church seems to have a lot of energy and good-feeling right now. I would agree, and experienced that myself as I asked several people about allowing their names to stand for various elected/appointed positions to be filled at next Sunday's Annual Vestry meeting. People want to be involved right now, and that's great.
I was reflecting after everyone left the church and I was putting a few last minute things away that I'm putting my time and energy pretty much exactly where I want them to be going right now. That is, I'm not being distracted much from the work of building up this community, and that's a great thing. As everyday passes I feel more and more on top of things here. Life is good.
Greetings Fr. Tay,
I am enjoying your blog and learning what you (and parishioners and the Holy Spirit!) are up to at COTM. Your spiritual insights, enthusiasm, and innovative energy also make your blog good reading.
I attended COTM fairly regularly in the late 70's/early 80's, although can't say I was involved there. Nonetheless, the church had considerable significance for me on my spiritual walk and I like to follow what's going on there now. I look forward to the website and hope to visit in person on Good Friday when I'm in Toronto, (haven't been to COTM in years). (I have visited SMM a few times in the last 2-3 years).
If the website isn't up and running by Holy Week, could you please let me know at what time the Good Friday service starts?
Many thanks.
In Christ,
Thanks, Helena, you've got an interesting blog, too!
Yes, I will let you know about the Good Friday service. Actually, we've already scheduled it, but I'm writing this from home and don't have the info handy. Let me get back to you.
I was attending a conference a few weeks back where the point was made that the connections between Episcopal/Anglican liturgy in the BAS/ECUSA-'72BCP and the Eastern churches is often more apparent than the connection to pre-Tridentine Western liturgies. I'm not saying that's true, but it's an interesting idea even to consider! I thought you might like that.
Hmmm...interesting indeed. I wasn't aware of that and will have to investigate further. Thanks for this.
Helena, I queried a list-serve that I belong to for suggested reading on the topic--we'll see what they come up with.
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